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One of the goals of developing the EdTechist platform is teaching new teachers or less experienced teachers in how to use EdTech in the classroom. To do this, we need to know what areas are included in this topic. This post will cover some of the content I looked at in this post, but I will be including new content and up-to-date information on the overlapping content.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)


Learning Management Systems (LMS) are software platforms designed to facilitate the administration, delivery, tracking, and management of educational courses and training programs. LMSs provide a centralised online environment where educators, administrators, and learners can interact, access learning materials, and engage in various educational activities. Here are some of the common features and functions that can be found in most Learning Management Systems:

Course Management: LMSs allow educators to create, organise, and manage courses or learning modules. They provide tools for structuring content, setting learning objectives, and managing course timelines.

Content Creation and Delivery: LMSs enable educators to develop and deliver learning materials, including text documents, multimedia files, presentations, quizzes, and assessments. These materials can be uploaded, organised, and made accessible to learners through the LMS platform.

Communication and Collaboration: LMSs provide communication and collaboration tools for instructors and learners. Features like discussion forums, messaging systems, and video conferencing facilitate interaction, peer-to-peer learning, and teacher-student communication.

Assessment and Grading: LMSs offer helpful features for creating and administering assessments, such as quizzes, tests, assignments, and surveys. More powerful LMSs provide automated grading capabilities, allow you to track student progress, and generate reports on individual and overall performance which can be helpful for report writing.

Progress Tracking and Reporting: As mentioned above, LMSs allow educators and administrators to monitor learner progress, track completion rates, and generate reports on performance and engagement. This data helps evaluate the effectiveness of courses and identify areas for improvement. This can be used to contribute to learner engagement and for some settings, allow teaching staff to act on data that would point towards student disengagement and withdrawal.

Personalisation and Adaptivity: Some LMSs incorporate adaptive learning technologies that can personalise the learning experience based on individual learner needs and performance. These systems use algorithms to recommend content, activities, or assessments tailored to each learner’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. This can be especially helpful for students that may have additional learning needs, developing differentiated learning or providing a unique course experience.

Administration and User Management: LMSs offer administrative features for managing user accounts, user roles, and enrollment. They provide tools for user authentication, user registration, and enrollment management, allowing educators and administrators to control access to courses and track learner participation.

Mobile Accessibility: Many modern LMSs are designed to be accessible through mobile devices, allowing learners to access course materials and engage in learning activities anytime, anywhere. Mobile apps or responsive web interfaces enable on-the-go learning and support a flexible learning experience.

Integration and Interoperability: LMSs often integrate with other educational systems and tools, such as learning analytics platforms, student information systems, video conferencing tools, or content repositories. Integration capabilities allow for seamless data exchange and interoperability, enhancing the overall learning ecosystem.

Compliance and Security: LMSs prioritises data security and compliance with privacy regulations. They often include features for secure data storage, user authentication, data encryption, and backup mechanisms to ensure the privacy and integrity of learner data.

LMSs are widely used in educational institutions, corporate training, and online learning environments. They provide a scalable and efficient way to manage, deliver, and track educational content while fostering collaboration and engagement among learners and instructors.

Online Learning

Online learning is a key component of educational technology (EdTech) and provides opportunities for learners to engage in remote and flexible learning experiences. Here are some ways online learning can be used in EdTech:

Virtual Classrooms: Online learning platforms and learning management systems (LMS) enable educators to create virtual classrooms where they can deliver live or pre-recorded lectures, facilitate discussions, and interact with students in real-time. These platforms often include features such as video conferencing, chat, and collaborative tools to replicate the classroom experience online.

Asynchronous Learning: Online learning allows for self-paced and asynchronous learning, where students can access course materials, videos, readings, and assignments at their convenience. They can learn at their own pace, review content as needed, and complete activities and assessments within specified deadlines.

Blended Learning: Online learning can be combined with face-to-face instruction in a blended learning approach. Educators can use online resources, multimedia content, and interactive activities to supplement in-person classroom instruction. This hybrid approach allows for flexibility, personalised learning, and the integration of technology into traditional teaching methods.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): MOOCs are online courses that are open to a large number of participants. They provide access to high-quality educational content from renowned institutions and experts. MOOC platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer a wide range of courses across various subjects and allow learners to learn at their own pace.

Online Collaboration and Communication: Online learning facilitates collaboration and communication among learners and educators. Discussion forums, chat rooms, and video conferencing tools enable students to engage in group projects, peer-to-peer learning, and virtual teamwork. Online communication tools foster interaction and community building in the digital learning environment.

Personalised Learning: Online learning platforms often incorporate adaptive learning technologies that can tailor the learning experience to individual student needs. These systems use data analytics and algorithms to provide personalised recommendations, adaptive assessments, and targeted learning paths, catering to each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences.

Access to Resources and Materials: Online learning provides access to a vast array of digital resources and materials. Learners can access e-books, scholarly articles, multimedia content, and online libraries to deepen their understanding of a subject. Online platforms also offer opportunities for students to explore additional resources, participate in online research, and access educational content from around the world.

Assessment and Feedback: Online learning platforms support the administration of quizzes, tests, and assignments electronically. They provide automated grading and feedback mechanisms that facilitate timely assessment and constructive feedback to students. Online assessments can be designed to measure various levels of understanding and promote formative assessment practices.

Professional Development: Online learning offers educators opportunities for professional development through webinars, online courses, and virtual conferences. Educators can expand their knowledge, learn new instructional strategies, and stay updated with the latest research and practices in their field.

Lifelong Learning: Online learning extends beyond formal education and supports lifelong learning. It allows individuals to acquire new skills, pursue personal interests, and engage in continuous learning throughout their lives. Online platforms provide flexibility, accessibility, and diverse learning opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Online learning, when appropriately designed and implemented, can enhance access to education, promote student engagement, and support personalised learning experiences. It provides flexibility, promotes self-directed learning, and fosters the development of digital literacy skills essential for the 21st-century learners.

Digital Content and Resources

EdTech encompasses a wide range of digital content and resources that can be utilised in educational settings. Here are some examples of digital content and resources commonly used in EdTech:

Interactive Learning Platforms: Online platforms that offer interactive learning experiences, virtual simulations, and multimedia resources to engage students in active learning. Examples include Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX.

Educational Apps: Mobile applications designed to provide educational content, practice exercises, and interactive learning experiences. These apps cover various subjects and age ranges, offering personalised learning experiences on smartphones and tablets. Examples of this can include Duolingo, Photomath, and Quizlet.

Open Educational Resources (OER): Freely accessible educational materials that can be used, modified, and shared. OER can include textbooks, lecture videos, lesson plans, and interactive modules. Platforms like OER Commons and OpenStax provide repositories of OER materials.

Digital Textbooks: Digital versions of traditional textbooks that offer interactive features, multimedia elements, and online assessments. These platforms may provide additional resources like study guides, interactive quizzes, and supplementary materials. Examples include VitalSource, Bookshelf, and Pearson eText.

Multimedia Content: Educational content in various multimedia formats, including videos, animations, podcasts, and interactive simulations. Platforms like YouTube, TED-Ed, and National Geographic provide educational videos and resources covering a wide range of topics.

Learning Management Systems (LMS): Platforms that facilitate the administration, delivery, and management of educational courses and training programs. LMSs offer features for content creation, assessment, communication, and progress tracking. Examples of this can include Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Immersive technologies that create virtual or augmented environments to enhance learning experiences. VR and AR can be used to simulate real-world scenarios, visualise complex concepts, or provide interactive exploration. Examples include Google Expeditions, Nearpod VR, and Merge Cube.

Gamification and Game-Based Learning: Educational games and gamified platforms that leverage game mechanics to engage students, motivate learning, and reinforce knowledge and skills. Examples include Minecraft: Education Edition, Kahoot!, and Prodigy.

Collaborative Tools: Digital tools that enable collaboration, communication, and group work among students and educators. These tools facilitate real-time collaboration on projects, online discussions, and peer feedback. Examples include Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Microsoft Teams, and Slack.

Adaptive Learning Systems: Intelligent systems that use data analytics and algorithms to personalise learning experiences based on individual student needs, progress, and learning styles. Adaptive learning platforms adjust the content, pace, and assessments to optimise learning outcomes. Examples include ALEKS, DreamBox, and Smart Sparrow.

These are just a few examples of the digital content and resources available in EdTech. The field of educational technology is continually evolving, and new tools and platforms emerge regularly, providing innovative ways to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Multimedia Tools

Multimedia tools play a crucial role in EdTech, enhancing the learning experience by incorporating various forms of media such as videos, images, audio, and interactive elements. Here are some popular multimedia tools used in educational technology:

Video Creation and Editing Tools: Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, and Camtasia enable educators and students to create and edit videos for educational purposes. These tools allow for video recording, editing, adding annotations, captions, and special effects.

Presentation Software: Presentation tools like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi offer features to create multimedia-rich presentations. Educators can incorporate text, images, videos, animations, and interactive elements to deliver engaging and visually appealing content.

Screen Recording and Screencasting Tools: Tools like Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia, and OBS Studio enable educators to record their computer screens along with audio narration. This is useful for creating instructional videos, demonstrations, or capturing live coding sessions.

Interactive Whiteboard Software: Interactive whiteboard software such as SMART Notebook, Explain Everything, and Jamboard provide a digital platform where educators can create interactive lessons using text, images, drawings, and multimedia elements. They offer features like handwriting recognition, collaboration, and integration with other tools.

Image and Graphic Editing Tools: Tools like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, and Pixlr allow educators and students to create and edit images and graphics for educational purposes. These tools offer features for image editing, graphic design, collage creation, and visual storytelling.

Audio Recording and Podcasting Tools: Audio recording tools like Audacity, GarageBand, and Anchor facilitate the creation and editing of audio content. Educators and students can record podcasts, voice-overs, interviews, and audio explanations to supplement learning materials.

Interactive Quizzing and Assessment Tools: Platforms like Kahoot!, Quizlet, and Mentimeter enable the creation of interactive quizzes, flashcards, and surveys with multimedia elements. These tools engage students through gamified assessments and interactive question formats.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools: Virtual and augmented reality tools like Nearpod VR, Merge Cube, and Google Expeditions offer immersive learning experiences. They allow students to explore virtual environments, manipulate 3D objects, and interact with augmented content.

Animation Tools: Animation tools like Scratch, Toon Boom, and Powtoon enable educators and students to create animated videos and presentations. These tools allow for storytelling, character animation, and visual explanations of complex concepts.

Interactive Simulation Tools: Tools like PhET Interactive Simulations, ExploreLearning Gizmos, and Edpuzzle offer interactive simulations and virtual experiments across various subjects. These tools provide hands-on learning experiences and facilitate the exploration of scientific phenomena or real-world scenarios.

Remember, the choice of multimedia tools should align with the learning objectives, content, and the needs of the students. It’s important to consider accessibility, ease of use, and the availability of technical support when selecting multimedia tools for educational purposes.

Collaboration and Communication Tools


Collaboration and communication tools play a vital role in educational technology (EdTech) by facilitating effective interaction and collaboration among students, educators, and even parents. Here are some ways collaboration and communication tools can be used in EdTech:

Online Discussions and Forums: Collaboration tools such as discussion boards and online forums enable students to engage in asynchronous discussions on various topics related to their coursework. These platforms provide a space for sharing ideas, asking questions, and receiving feedback from peers and educators. Examples include Moodle’s discussion forums and platforms like Piazza and Slack.

Video Conferencing: Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet enable real-time communication and collaboration. Educators can conduct live virtual classes, host group discussions, facilitate remote presentations, and provide individual or group support sessions. Video conferencing tools also support screen sharing, chat features, and breakout rooms for effective collaboration.

Collaborative Document Editing: Tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365, and collaborative features within learning management systems allow students to collaborate on shared documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and projects in real-time. Multiple users can work simultaneously, making it easy to collaborate on group assignments, peer editing, and co-authoring documents.

Virtual Project Management: Project management tools like Trello, Asana, Basecamp and MS Planner help students and educators collaborate on projects by organising tasks, setting deadlines, assigning responsibilities, and tracking progress. These tools enable effective collaboration, task management, and communication within a project team.

Peer Feedback and Review: Collaboration tools can facilitate peer feedback and review processes, allowing students to provide constructive feedback on each other’s work. Tools like Peergrade, Turnitin, and Google Classroom’s commenting feature enable students to review and provide feedback on assignments, essays, or projects in a structured and anonymous manner.

Online Group Workspaces: Platforms like Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Microsoft Teams, and Slack provide shared online workspaces where students can collaborate on projects, share resources, and communicate with their team members. These platforms often include features like document sharing, chat, video conferencing, and task management, fostering effective collaboration.

Parent-Teacher Communication: EdTech tools can facilitate communication between parents and educators. Platforms like ClassDojo, Remind, and ParentSquare enable teachers to send updates, share resources, and communicate important information with parents. This helps in maintaining a strong home-school connection and fostering parental involvement in students’ education.

Virtual Learning Communities: Online learning communities, often hosted on social media platforms or learning management systems, create spaces for educators and students to connect, share resources, and engage in discussions beyond the classroom. These communities provide opportunities for networking, peer support, and the exchange of ideas.

Web-Based Feedback and Assessment: EdTech tools offer features for providing timely and constructive feedback on student assignments, quizzes, and assessments. Platforms like Turnitin, Gradescope, and online quiz tools allow educators to grade and provide feedback digitally, making the process more efficient and enabling timely communication with students.

Parent-Student Collaboration: Collaboration tools can facilitate collaboration between parents and students on educational tasks or projects. Parent involvement platforms like Seesaw, ClassTag, and Google Classroom’s guardian feature allow parents to view student work, provide feedback, and collaborate with their child in their learning journey.

These collaboration and communication tools in EdTech promote engagement, interaction, and effective teamwork among students, educators, and parents. They foster a sense of community, support knowledge sharing, and enhance the learning experience by facilitating collaborative learning environments, regardless of physical distance or time constraints.

Mobile Learning

edtech-mobile learning

Mobile learning, also known as m-learning, leverages the use of mobile devices to facilitate learning experiences. It offers several advantages such as flexibility, accessibility, and convenience. Here are some ways mobile learning can be used in EdTech:

Access to Learning Resources: Mobile devices enable learners to access a vast range of educational resources anytime, anywhere. They can use educational apps, digital textbooks, e-books, online courses, and educational websites to access relevant content, videos, interactive quizzes, and other learning materials.

Microlearning and Bite-sized Content: Mobile devices are well-suited for delivering bite-sized learning content in the form of short videos, infographics, quizzes, or flashcards. This approach, known as microlearning, allows learners to engage in short, focused learning activities that can be completed during short breaks or idle time.

Mobile Apps for Learning: Mobile apps designed specifically for education provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. These apps cover various subjects and topics, offering interactive exercises, simulations, language learning, and skill-building activities. Examples include Duolingo, Khan Academy, Quizlet, and many more.

Mobile Collaboration: Mobile devices enable collaborative learning among students. They can use communication and collaboration apps to work together on projects, share ideas, discuss concepts, and provide feedback to peers. This fosters engagement, critical thinking, and teamwork skills.

Multimedia-rich Learning: Mobile devices support the integration of multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio into learning materials. Learners can watch educational videos, listen to podcasts, view images, and explore interactive multimedia content to enhance their understanding and engagement with the subject matter.

Personalised Learning: Mobile learning allows for personalised learning experiences. Mobile apps and platforms often utilise adaptive learning technologies, which leverage data and analytics to tailor content and learning experiences to individual learners’ needs and preferences. This promotes individualised learning paths and customised content delivery.

Gamification and Mobile Games: Gamification elements and educational games can be incorporated into mobile learning to enhance motivation and engagement. Gamified learning apps use game mechanics, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards, to make learning more enjoyable and encourage learners to progress and achieve goals.

Just-in-time Learning: Mobile devices enable learners to access information and resources in real-time, supporting just-in-time learning. Learners can quickly search for specific information, look up definitions, or access online references whenever they encounter a learning need or question.

Assessments and Quizzes: Mobile learning platforms and apps can deliver assessments, quizzes, and surveys to evaluate learners’ understanding and progress. These assessments can be taken on mobile devices, providing immediate feedback and enabling learners to track their performance and identify areas for improvement.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) Integration: Learning management systems with mobile compatibility allow learners to access course materials, participate in discussions, submit assignments, and interact with classmates and instructors through their mobile devices. This enhances the flexibility and accessibility of online courses.

Mobile learning provides learners with the flexibility to learn on the go, promotes self-directed learning, and expands access to educational resources. Its integration with EdTech offers new opportunities for personalized and engaging learning experiences, reaching learners beyond the traditional classroom setting.

Final Thoughts

This has been a long post – and it would have been even longer had I kept all the planned content together in one post. We’ve covered a lot of ground in this post – what comes under the EdTech umbrella? What is and what isn’t EdTech? Each section has been designed to give an idea of what is included in it in order to help you identify if this is what you are looking for, or need to explore further, or can ignore if it is not relevant to what you are wanting to accomplish.

In the next post I will include in part 2 the content that explores adaptive learning systems, gamification and serious games, virtual and augmented reality, assessment and learning analytics and assistive technologies. oh my!

Until then, may your EdTech be glitch-free.

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