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Welcome to the new site – edTechist! And welcome to the return of some newly created online content from me!

What will I find here?

Everything related to Educational Technology!

  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Gamification
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Podcasting
  • Ethical Issues
  • Pedagogy
  • Andragogy
  • App reviews
  • App guides
  • Freebies
  • Learning Models
  • Instructional Design
  • Learning Systems
  • Blended Learning
  • Integrating Technology into the Curriculum
  • Philosophical Issues
  • Anything else that can be included

What about Michael Johnston Learning?

This is the next phase – I always felt that the name of Michael Johnston Learning came with a little ego,which was never the intention. But by evolving into a specific title, I believe I am able to offer more focused attention on the topic of educational technology. As this is a specific area of professional interest for me, it will be a stronger product and be less scattered – some of the topics I looked at previously had no connection and so the whole thing felt disjointed.

The plan is that that doesn’t happen here.

My own site at will be used as a base site – pulling together all the content I create and acting as an online portfolio for my professional work – both academic and in industry. It’s also good for my students to be able to see what I teach in web design isn’t just theory, but theory I put into practice with every website I create. Having said all that, I now have some work to do on my own site to bring it up to date with everything I’ve just said!

So more of the same then?

Not at all!

As I said, it’s much more focused and I intend for the content to be more varied. I want to produce video content, podcasts, how to guides, and articles that make you think about how to implement and integrate educational technology into your curriculum.

And what platforms should I look out for?

All my content will be found firstly on this site, but in terms of social media, the obvious ones – Facebook; Twitter; YouTube and PodBean.

So thanks for stopping by! I hope you’ll return, subscribe, follow and start a conversation sometime!

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